Friday, March 30, 2012

Philip and the Eunuch Using the Cricut

Acts 8:26-39

We used the Cricut machine and scrapbook paper to make this flipchart to tell the story of Philip and Eunuch.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Saul's Conversion Take Home


In the dark

Acts 91-19

Here's another idea for Saul on the road to Damascus.  On regular construction paper, let the children draw a scene with a road.  The children can either draw Saul or glue on a pre-cut Saul.  (I cut Saul and his clothes using a Sizzix die cut machine but you could use a Cricut machine.)  Using glow in the dark paint (available at a craft store), let the children paint lines going away from Saul.  (The photo makes the rays show up more than they do in real life.)  Then when you get to the point in the story where the light from heaven flashes around him, you can turn on the blacklight and make it glow, or you can turn off the lights and it will glow.  (Just a hint:  if you want the paint to glow in the dark again, keep the paper in the light and it will "charge" the glow in the dark paint again.)

When the children take this home, they will be able to retell the story!


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Helping Hands

We made this when we were studying about the Miracles of Jesus. Here are the instructions:
  • Purchase scrapbook paper from a local craft store that looks like sand on a beach.
  • Cut the scrapbook paper down to 8 1/2 x 11 paper.  (For smaller hands, cut that paper in half making it 41/4 x 5 1/2 paper.) 
  • Print the words on it using a computer.  To make the handprint, pour Elmer's glue into a plastic plate.  Have the children dip their hands in the glue and put the handprint onto the paper (just as if you were painting or stamping their handprint).  Then sprinkle sand on top (like you would sprinkle glitter).  

Monday, March 26, 2012

Saul's Conversion

Acts 9:1-19
Take an empty, washed Pringles chip container, glue construction paper on the outside of it, and cut an opening near the bottom. 

Put some Easter grass in the bottom. Cut out a little man out of fun foam (I used a Sizzix die cut.) Put fun foam clothes on both sides. Put small googly eyes on one side and just two white glue dots for eyes on the other.  Glue a small amount of doll hair on his head if desired. Stand Saul up in the grass with the googly eyes showing. 

When you tell the part in the story where Saul is blinded by the light, turn Saul around and shine a flashlight down into the Pringles container from the top. It will make a "bright light". The white dots for eyes will make him look blind.

For printable instructions, click on the link:

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Moses and the Amalekites

  Front View

 Back View

Exodus 17:8-16
The kids enjoyed making this. I cut Moses out of fun foam using an Ellison die cut.  (It would easy to just cut it out by hand. ) Then, cut a small piece from a straw and tape it to the back of the Moses figure.  Stick a light blue pipe cleaner through the straw and bend to make arms.  Cut a brown pipe cleaner "rod" to size (see picture).  Fold the ends of the blue pipe cleaner over the brown pipe cleaner to make him "hold" the "rod".  Have the children hold his hands up to show that the Israelites are winning the war against the Amalekites.  Have the children move his arms down when he grew tired and the Amalekites were winning.

The pattern I created is a little different from the above picture since I used a die cut for the picture.  

Friday, March 23, 2012

Wooden Moveable Zacchaeus Craft

Luke 19:1-10

I purchased the wooden tree and the boy (already painted) at a craft store.  Drill a hole in the top part of the tree and at the bottom in the grass.  Cut a string that is several inches longer than the tree. Hot glue the string to the back of the boy.  Insert the top part of the string into the hole on the front of the tree.  Insert the bottom part of the string into the front part of the grass.  Pull the string up to make Zacchaeus climb the tree.  Pull the string down to have Zacchaeus climb down the tree when Jesus asks him to come down.  The same concept could be made out of heavy paper.

Creation Sticks for Young Children

Genesis 1:1 - 2:3
I purchased the little wooden pieces at a craft store.  They were already painted except for the white circle.  I hot glued the wooden pieces to a large popsicle stick - one creation on each side.  To make Adam and Eve, I purchased a round  unpainted wooden piece and painted it green.  I cut out Adam and Eve out of fun foam and their clothes out of fabric that would look like animal skin.  I added doll hair. As we sang a song about creation, the children held up the stick with the piece that we are singing about. After doing this several times, the little ones got really good at knowing which one came next.

Here's the song that we sing, 

(Hold up wooden stick with a white ball on it.)
Day 1, Day 1
God made light when there was none.
Day 1, Day 1
God made light when there was none.

(Hold up wooden stick with a clouds on it.)
Day 2, Day 2
God made clouds and skies a blue.
Day 2, Day 2
God made clouds and skies a blue.

(Hold up wooden stick with a flower on one side and tree on the other.)
Day 3, Day 3
God made flowers, grass, and trees.
Day 3, Day 3
God made flowers, grass, and trees.

(Hold up wooden stick with a sun on one side, moon and stars on the other.)
Day 4, Day 4
Sun and moon and stars galore.
Day 4, Day 4
Sun and moon and stars galore.

(Hold up the wooden stick the fish on one side, the duck on the other.)
Day 5, Day 5
God made birds and fish alive.
Day 5, Day 5
God made birds and fish alive.

(Hold up the wooden stick the hippo on one side, Adam and Eve on the other.)
6th Day, 6th Day
God made animals and man that day.
6th Day, 6th Day
God made animals and man that day.

Day 7, Day 7
God rested in his heaven.
Day 7, Day 7
God rested in his heaven.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Get a piece of felt and lay it flat.  Place a pipe cleaner close to one edge and fold the felt over it.  Glue it closed.  Do the same thing with a pipe cleaner on the other edge.  Fold the pipe cleaner edges of the felt in half and you have a tent!  You can make the tent any size you want. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Joseph's Coat

Genesis 37: 1-36
A sweet friend gave me this idea. This project was made for very young children though older kids have liked it as well.  Using a Sizzix die cut, we cut the boy out of mat board that you would use to mat a picture.  I asked for free scraps from a framing shop.  Tie the end of the multicolored yarn to one leg.  Then let the kids wrap and wrap and wrap around Joseph.  When the get to the top, wrap over one shoulder and then to the other.  To finish, tie the end to a a piece of yarn in the back.

We bought some cheap eyeshadow in different shades of brown and pinks to use to color the skin and face.  Then let them draw the rest with markers. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Jacob's Dream Gift Sack Story

Genesis 28:10 -22

This is the story of Jacob's Ladder.  I just got a plain gift sack and covered one side of it with blue felt.  I cut the other pieces out of felt.  I use the felt pieces to tell the story.  I cut out the same pieces for each child to use to tell the story and take home.  They store the pieces inside the bag.

Jonah Gift Sack Story

Jonah 1-3

I found a cute gift sack that has fish all over it.  I cut a piece of blue felt and glued it on one side of the bag. (I folded the sack and laid it down for the picture.) I used an Ellison die cut to make the big fish and the praying man out of felt.  I use the gift sack to tell the story.  Then I glue a piece of blue felt to a white lunch sack.  I cut out smaller pieces for the children to take home in their sack and use to retell the story of Jonah.  The sacks make a great place to store the pieces.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Stuffed Lion

Daniel 6

I got this idea from  Go to that website for detailed instructions. I cut the fabric out and tie up all the ties leaving about 3 untied at the bottom.  The children add the stuffing and draw the face on this side.  This side has the mouth open because as we are telling the story, the children help act out the story having their lion's roar fiercely before Daniel is put into the den.

The children glue on the eyes and felt nose and draw a smiley face on this side.  At the part of the story where Daniel is put into the den, I show an angel (made from an old Ken doll). The angel closes the lion's mouths. I have the angel go to each child and they turn their lion around to the smiley face.

Paper Cup Lion

Daniel 6
Cut a small paper cup apart.  Let the children add a face and color the mane.