Monday, April 9, 2012

Daniel and Lions KIds Meal Toys

Daniel 6

I made this scene to tell the story of Daniel and the Lions Den.  To make the background, I bought a small, tabletop trifold (similar to those people use for science fair projects but smaller).  I then laminated scrapbook paper which looks like rocks and taped the paper to the trifold.  (I taped it because I use that same trifold for several different scenes.)  I put one piece of laminated scrapbook paper on the table and set up the scene around it.  The smaller lions came from kids' meals.  The larger lions were toys from the Chronicles of Narnia movies.  The mouths open (top picture)  when Daniel is about to enter and close when the angel closes them(bottom picture).  For the angel, I use a Ken type doll covered in white fabric.

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