Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ten Plagues

Ten Plagues
Exodus 7-12

I found this large bag of flies at one of those stores where all items cost $1.  When telling the story of the Ten Plagues, I put the plastic flies on the plate of snacks.  When it became snack time, I went to get the snacks and was dramatically grossed out and showed the children what happened! They were horrified at the sight.  We discussed how the Egyptians felt about the flies everywhere.  Then we pulled out another plate of snacks to eat without the flies all over it.  The first thing they told their parents when the parents picked them up was about the flies all over their food!  Made an impression on them.


  1. I have enjoyed browsing your blog this morning. I posted a couple of things on Pinterest so I would be able to find you again when I need some motivation. You've got some great ideas.

  2. creative! i'm teaching the kids about this, and this looks pretty cool (and gross). :) thanks.
